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Do You Need a Closing Attorney in South Carolina?
South Carolina is one of the states with laws on the books that require a closing attorney to be physically present at a home buying closing. You are not forced to use a specific attorney, you are free to choose a closing attorney of your choice. It also stipulates their roles and responsibilities.
In most situations the closing attorney will represent the lender, not the buyer or the seller. In fact, lenders usually have their own closing attorneys, and more often than not you won’t even need to hire one. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t.

If you will be more comfortable with a dedicated attorney who you feel will be looking out for your interests. If you need a closing attorney for your South Carolina home purchase, we will be more than happy to help find you a dedicated attorney.
Whether you are using the lender’s attorney or you have your very own, their mere presence should make you a lot more comfortable.
- First of all the attorney will help you through all the specific legal procedures and processes surrounding a mortgage loan.
- Secondly, they will do most (if not all) of the paperwork that comes with the loan.
- Thirdly, they will make sure all affidavits and deeds are delivered to the right people.
- Finally, they will prepare the settlement and ensure that money is disbursed as agreed upon in the contract.
If you have your own closing attorney, they will do much more than that. In fact, they can handle practically everything from start to finish. All while furnishing you with the much-needed advice and guidance during the whole process. So it’s not a bad idea to consider hiring your own attorney. Luckily Moreira Team can help find a fully qualified closing attorney for your closing. Simply contact us and we will do the rest.